Request for building assistance
Request for building assistance
We ask the offers and benefactors to deliver assistance according to the following: DESIGNATION: The local religious organization Orthodox Parish of the Snt. Antonius (Smirnitsky) the Archbishop of Voronezh and Zadonsk, Temple in Voronezh, of “The Voronezh and Borisoglebsk Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)» Requisites (BANK DETAILS): Payment account 40703810145000032739 OJSC (Open Joint-Stock Company) «TransCreditBank» Brunch in Voronezh BIK (Bank ID) 042007810 INN (Tax ID): 3665045857/366501001
The rector of the Church (Temple priest: protopriest Babitch Nikolai) The service plan is available by the following contact telephone numbers: 8(473)22-608-68, mob.tel.8-951-860-40-40
Address : 394070 Russian Federation, Voronezh, Teplitchnaya-str., 22-A E-mail: Snt-Antonius@yandex.ru